How to Improve Your Sex Life

Unlock a Fulfilling Sex Life with Mindful Sexuality


Free Masterclass Happening November 9th, 2023 at 7:00pm MST.


Are you tired of feeling disconnected and unsatisfied in your intimate moments?

It's time to break free from the cycle of dissatisfaction and start experiencing the fulfilling, passionate sex life you deserve.

Join us on a journey where mindfulness and sexuality intersect, transforming your experiences into something truly extraordinary.


What we will cover during this masterclass:

✓ Uncover the Link Between Mindfulness and Sexuality: 

Discover the profound connection between being present in the moment and a heightened sense of pleasure. Say goodbye to distractions and hello to pure connection.

✓ Learn Techniques for Total Engagement: 

Experience intimacy like never before by mastering techniques that enable you to fully engage in your sexual encounters. Break through the barriers that have held you back.

✓ Deepen Intimacy and Ignite Passion: 

Rediscover the spark in your relationship as mindfulness rekindles the flame. Experience a level of closeness and pleasure that goes beyond the physical.


Don't let another day go by without experiencing the love and intimacy you crave. Take the first step toward a more satisfying and fulfilling sex life.

Enter your information below to secure your spot for this upcoming masterclass! 









Meet your coaches

Hi, We're Matt and Lauren Griner!

We are high school sweethearts and parents to four lively kids.

We are on a mission to guide you back to your TRUTH. Amidst the chaos of daily life, we understand the challenge of prioritizing you and your relationships.

Our story began in an unconscious relationship that nearly led to divorce, but we chose a different path – one of honoring our truth and choosing each other every day.

In our coaching approach we value honesty, truth, and authenticity. We foster open conversations and encourage the free expression of feelings. We understand that learning to express feelings and embracing vulnerability are integral to an authentic life.

We take you on a journey of healing emotional attachments through inner child work. We also guide you in finding truth and passion through meditation and breath work which reconnects you with your mind, body, and soul.

Join us on this transformative journey towards authenticity, connection, and the realization of your deepest desires.

We are here to support you in creating a life that aligns with your truth and forms passionate, meaningful connections in ALL your relationships.