Welcome to CONNECT Community, a supportive space where both men and women can embark on a transformative journey towards mental well-being and personal growth.

Our program is designed to help you identify and overcome the limiting beliefs that have been holding you back. These beliefs, often formed through past experiences, can create mental barriers that prevent you from achieving your goals. Through our engaging sessions and the support of our community, you will learn to break free from these constraints, opening up new opportunities and pathways.
Emotional intelligence is a crucial aspect of what we offer within CONNECT. We provide you with the tools and guidance needed to gain clarity and control over your emotions. Understanding and managing your emotions is essential for building healthy relationships and achieving personal balance. Our techniques will help you navigate your emotional landscape effectively, leading to a more harmonious and fulfilling life.
 A core part of our mission is to help you connect with your authentic self. In our safe and nurturing environment, you will have the opportunity to explore your inner world and embrace who you truly are. This deep self-connection is vital for personal growth and self-fulfillment. When you are in tune with your true self, you can make decisions that align with your values and aspirations.
Discovering what you genuinely want out of life is a powerful experience. Our community is dedicated to helping you uncover your deepest desires and passions, guiding you to create a clear plan for achieving them. We believe that everyone has unique gifts and dreams, and our goal is to support you in pursuing them with confidence and enthusiasm.
Join CONNECT and become part of a collective journey toward mental well-being and personal growth. Together, we will explore, learn, and grow, empowering each other to live our best lives. This is where personal growth meets collective support. Start your journey today and transform your life from the inside out.
We understand that this journey is personal however we also know the power that comes with healing together in a relationship. Within CONNECT your partner will ALWAYS have access to everything that is listed below. 



-Weekly Men’s Zoom Calls

-Bi Weekly Relationship Calls

-CONNECT TO BODY yoga events 

-CONNECT TO SELF meditation events

-Weekly Action Items 

-Men’s GroupMe Chat

*Bonus Material


-Weekly Women’s Zoom Calls

-Bi Weekly Relationship Calls

-CONNECT TO BODY yoga events 

-CONNECT TO SELF meditation event

-Weekly Action Items 

-Women's GroupMe Chat

*Bonus Material



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The commitment to self is the highest form of love and healing.
We can't wait for you to join us!  


Meet your Coaches 


We are high school sweethearts and parents to four lively kids.

We are on a mission to guide you back to your TRUTH. Amidst the chaos of daily life, we understand the challenge of prioritizing you and your relationships.

Our story began in an unconscious relationship that nearly led to divorce, but we chose a different path – one of honoring our truth and choosing each other every day.

In our coaching approach we value honesty, truth, and authenticity. We foster open conversations and encourage the free expression of feelings. We understand that learning to express feelings and embracing vulnerability are integral to an authentic life.

We take you on a journey of healing emotional attachments through inner child work. We also guide you in finding truth and passion through meditation and breath work which reconnects you with your mind, body, and soul.

Join us on this transformative journey towards authenticity, connection, and the realization of your deepest desires.

We are here to support you in creating a life that aligns with your truth and forms passionate, meaningful connections in ALL your relationships.